If There Were No Resurrection
As promised, here I am with more from my sermon last Thursday. It would have been different to listen to but the theme is the same.
The readings were Luke 24: 44 - 53 and Acts 1 : 1 - 11. We have seen Jesus' birth, He's grown up, performed His ministry, been tortured and killed, been resurrected, ate and spent time with the disciples and now ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of God, preparing a place for you and me.
We are told not to stand looking upwards but to get on with the job in hand. What job is that?
Well I ask the question, 'Does everyone you know and love, know Jesus?'
I'm not speaking about knowing that in the history books, there was a guy called Jesus Who had a great philosophy, did good things but sadly died. Nor do I mean those who tick the box on a form saying that they are Christians. I'm talking about accepting that Jesus is Lord and risen Saviour and the way to heaven.

Have you ever been called in to a stand before a parent / teacher / bos
​​s / someone in authority? I'm sure we all have and a lot of brain-racking goes on to try to recall what you've done wrong.
Do you want to stand before God like the man who was entrusted with gifts and multiplied them, or the one who put them away for 'safe keeping'? ( Click here)
Do you believe that the disciples would have risked their lives; allowed themselves to be beaten, tortured and killed; if they didn't know that the resurrection was real? I don't, and neither do countless others.
Do you want God to say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant. You fed me when I was hungry. When I was naked, you clothed me. You used the gifts I entrusted to use wisely..." and so on?
Don't waste your time and energy looking up, or trying to find all the answers here on earth.
When Jesus rides out of heaven, no one on earth will be in any doubt that He is here. The Groom coming to collect His bride (those of us not already in heaven) - so be ready. Use what you have been given wisely, and follow the two commandments Jesus gave us. To love God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength, and, love your neighbour as yourself. If you follow these, the greatest commandments closely, you will be doing well.