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I am preaching on Sunday. I looked at the readings set for the day some time ago and was filled with great excitement.

Several years ago, I did a course. On that course they said that when you have an essay to write, it is amazing how much you find other jobs to do. Suddenly the housework needs doing, for example, or that pile of ironing you hate to do and you have been putting off for some time!

Those words were ringing in my ears every time I set down to prepare for my sermon writing, and I discovered jobs that urgently needed doing. It didn't make sense to me that I kept being distracted because I was excited by the readings and was very much looking forward to preaching.

Sometimes, we can be distracted because we simply don't know where to start and so we find many other things to do. That was not the case for me. I instantly knew where to start and what the basis of my sermon would be.

I am sure that you've often heard the phrase, "It was(n't) meant to be." There have been times in my life that I have used it myself. It goes without saying that sometimes we should leave things alone because they are not meant to be, the door has closed and we must move on. Equally, events conspire to enable something to happen so we deduce that it was meant to be.

So where does that leave me and my sermon? I believe that the excitement I feel about the readings, means that there is an important message God has for us through these readings and so, no matter what the distractions are, I have pushed through and studied the readings and sought what God wants me to say. It fills me with life, awe and so much excitement as I discover more about the Creator of heaven and earth.

My sermon is ready, and I shall blog it on Sunday and share it with the world.

Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash

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